Staying Connected With Your School Community Remotely

Staying Connected With Your School Community Remotely

Staying Connected With Your School Community Remotely 1920 1280 Spacific Creative

We are lucky to live in a digital age where we can adapt and creative ideas make all the difference. 

The 2020 school year may feel uncertain, but there are still lots of ways to teach and connect with your students. Here are some ideas that might improve the coming months and help you to retain some normalcy. 

Video Updates

Remote learning doesn’t mean that school assembly, chapel or performances should cease. Streaming or posting these events digitally is valuable for retaining a sense of school community.

Prerecord messages from the school principal, staff members and guest speakers. These can be stitched together and either emailed to students or posted online.

Virtual Events

All around the world we are seeing innovative ways that people are connecting digitally, from online gym classes to singing groups via Zoom. While learning is important, lifting morale has never been more necessary.

Baking video

Each school department brings different skills to the table so why not harness these and create some fun content! Here are some video ideas to try out:

  • The P.E. teacher’s top tips for staying healthy and active from home,
  • A how-to baking video from the food tech teacher,
  • Online lessons or performances from the music department,
  • Virtual school spirit day where students dress up and take a photo or video.

Maintaining Social Connection

Remote learning can be an isolating experience for students. Maintaining structure and social connections are vital for both mental health and productivity. Consider adopting an online chat function or a video social hour check-in where students can chat with their peers like they would during lunch break. 

Student using computer

Group projects are another great way for students to collaborate and feel connected. Managing remote teamwork is also good practice for university and future workplace environments.  

Online Tools

There are many websites that can help enrich the learning process and make it more engaging. Instead of just sending students Word documents and textbook materials, create some content that inspires! Adobe Spark and Canva are great for creative presentations, infographics and learning materials.

Digital Newsletters

An online school newsletter is always a practical resource, but even more so when learning is remote. A website that can be updated 24/7 ensures that students always have access to up to date information. Learn more about the benefits of a digital newsletter or reach out to us if you would like more information or advice.